Activity 04


(Verb TO BE)
Directions: Complete the dialogue with the Present Tense of the verb TO BE.
Situation: Diane and John work together. John is talking to her on the phone.

DIANE: Hi, Joe. Where (1)____________ you?
JOHN: Oh, hi, Diane. Well, I (2)______________ on vacation.
DIANE: Really? But (3)______________ you on vacation in June?
JOHN: Yes, I (4)________________ in Fortaleza.
DIANE: Fortaleza! What (5)____________ it like?
JOHN Fantastic! The weather (6)____________ beautiful. The ocean (7)____________warm.
DIANE: What (8)____________ the hotel like?
JOHN: Excellent! It (9)____________ wonderful. It has a swimming pool and a private
beach. There (10)______________ three restaurants downstairs. There
(11)____________ a tennis court and a golf course in the garden, too!
DIANE: What (12)______________ the people like?
JOHN: They (13)______________ very friendly.
DIANE: (14)______________ your wife with you?
JOHN: Of course she (15)______________.She took some days off from work.
DIANE: Well, what about your children? (16)______________ they with you?
JOHN: No, they (17)____________. They (18)____________ with their grandparents.
DIANE: Well, have a very good time!
JOHN: Thank you!
